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Thread: All this death talk has resulted in me playing tracks by Dead or Alive, The Associates and

  1. #1

    All this death talk has resulted in me playing tracks by Dead or Alive, The Associates and

    even Haircut 100 at full volume in a futile blast of vivacious defiance.

  2. #2

    you are truly, a wrong un.

  3. #3

    And now it''s Haysi Fantayzee and Blancmange.

  4. #4

    Let me know when you get to Classix Nouveaux and Tight Fit.

  5. #5

    probably off-topic but I am a big fan of The Fall. Just made their acquaintance. Kind of badass.

  6. #6

    Clap That's out of left field. They're a top, top band Wichard

    Moments of absolute genius and if you're brand new you have an absolute treat in finding them all, you have to wade through years of filler though.

  7. #7

    Has he tried Dr Buck's Letter-ah?

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