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Thread: Whatever our cooked breakfast differences, I think we can all agree that this is a terrible idea Frown

  1. #1

    Whatever our cooked breakfast differences, I think we can all agree that this is a terrible idea Frown

  2. #2


    I'd prefer a fried egg.

  3. #3

    What's with the soup?

    He's got his bacon ratios all kinds of wrong.

    I suspect he hasnt got a grill

  4. #4

    Scrambled eggs, shirley?

  5. #5

    He's egg mad, the wee puddle jumper

  6. #6

    I can only assume he's horribly constipated with that level of egg consumption.

    By my calculations, he can only get three rashers of bacon in that thing - and that's with tiny sausages! Also. the high sides suggest to me that getting a fried egg out cleanly would be next to impossible.

    Also, couldn't he boil eggs in one of those compartments and just make more scrambled egg in one of the compartments?

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