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Thread: Blimey, this new Tarantino movie is 3 hours long.

  1. #21

    I doubt if he minds, he's said it plenty of times in Tarantinos movies.

    Those millions of dollars probably help.

    I made up that 145 as a ridicules amount but after Googling it looks around 115. He's a boy

  2. #22

    I'd avoid the RSPCA on principle - they do more damage to The Struggle for Equal Rights for animals

    than any number of bear-baiters. You'd do better to go for a local rescue centre like Foal Farm at Biggin. There must be one near you. Or there's always Battersea.

  3. #23

    Thank you. Although you're going to have to talk to me about the RSPCA antipathy.

    Also. 'equal rights for animals'? Equal to what? I'm confused.

  4. #24

    A bunch of ideologically driven c**ts. Probably socialists.

    They spunk money pursuing ridiculous prosecutions with zero chance of a conviction because they're stupid.

    As you know, I believe that animals should be allowed the same freedoms and protections as human beings. Except when I am eating them. This may strike you as a somewhat paradoxical position; if so, I am sorry that you are not intelligent enough to follow my logic.

    Now then, are you to have a kitten and make you glw sneeze?

  5. #25

    Ah, yes. I agree. They are a bunch of tits.

    Never mind eating them, you keep your animals in a compound with unclimbable fences simply in order that you may derive pleasure from them. If they were human, you'd basically be Josef Fritzl or a Belgian.

    And yes. She seems to have come around to the idea. She spent some time at Christmas with a cat and didn't suffer, so she thinks she may not be as allergic as she thought. So it's kitten ahoy imo.

  6. #26

  7. #27

    I think we both know I am not going to be spending 700 quid on a cat, don't we? Roll eyes

    No. We shall get a moggy. It will roam free in the country, slaughtering wildlife with gay abandon

  8. #28

    My girlfriends brother has just spent the equivalent of that on a cat. Some kind of

    cat breed that doesn't bring out allergies (his girlfriend claims to be allergic).

  9. #29

    I ended up with a ridiculously huge, fluffy tabby thing from the RSPCA

    Odd people have said it's a Scottish Wild Cat or Norwegian Forest Cat but he's a proper menace to local wildlife, brought in a bat last year.

  10. #30

    I meant to ask, have you been adversely affected by the flooding. I know Leeds got it badly, but

    heard that Bradford was OK. What was it like out by you?

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