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Thread: News of the day: obese women who stuff themselves with junk food may suffer health problems

  1. #1

    News of the day: obese women who stuff themselves with junk food may suffer health problems

  2. #2

    It's not their fault mate.

    It's glandular.

  3. #3

    No ****

    I recommend Ex-lax

  4. #4

    I have seen some obese "glandular" women in my time. Funny how the glands seem to be activated by

    chocs, alcohol, crisps and burgers.

  5. #5

    The problem, of course, is one of education.

    I mean, 'Eat less, exercise more' is a tricky message to understand, isn't it?

  6. #6

    Apart from the genuine cases it is a matter of education: a system which has no rewards and

    punishments for in/appropriate behaviour fails those who think they can sail through life doing whatever the f**k they want.

  7. #7

    "Glandular" ? Funny way to spell McDonalds.

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