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Thread: Hard to know where to start with this piece of nonsense, really.

  1. #1

    Hard to know where to start with this piece of nonsense, really.

    Presumably, the author would prefer that the police concentrated their efforts on asking the rapist to stop raping people instead? /05/why-do-the-police-still-tell-women-that-they-should-avoi d-getting-raped

  2. #2

    You joke, but that is exactly what they want, yes.

    They believe that men rape because men are taught by society to believe that rape is ok. This is the argument that underpins the entire issue

  3. #3

    No they don't.

    I'm sorry, I do not wish to be dogmatic, but it is patently untrue that society teaches men any such thing.

    They can't believe it unless they're mad.

  4. #4

    But rape is designated a crime by society. That's pretty much the best way of telling whether

    a society's attitude to a thing is positive or negative imo.

  5. #5

    They absolutely believe that society implicitly condones rape (and encourages men to believe they

    can get away with it) by encouraging women to believe that if they are victims of rape, it is their own fault.

    Look, it even says so in this very article.

  6. #6

    I can see what it says in the article; I am simply pointing out that it is such errant nonsense

    that there can be no question of any sentient human being believing such a thing.

    If I wrote an article in the Guardian saying that I believe that the sky is purple and that everyone is brainwashed into bleieving it to be blue by the patriarchy, would you give the argument credence?

  7. #7

    There’s good money in writing absolute horse**** Shrug

    Trust me, I know that as well as anyone.

    These gender issues are manna from heaven for aspiring writers - particularly female ones - as it gives them what every writer wants: a niche they can claim to specialise in.

  8. #8

    My point exactly. They don't believe it, they're just stealing a living.

  9. #9

    I specialise in your mum's niche

  10. #10

    Always taught that prevention is better than cure Shrug

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