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Thread: Hang on, this woman is actually claiming that men not remember/caring about the birthdays of their

  1. #1

    Hang on, this woman is actually claiming that men not remember/caring about the birthdays of their

    colleagues is an example of the next battlefield in the feminist cause? les-sexism-emotional-labor-feminism

  2. #2

    The wimmin's ishoos stuff has lost its power to shock, I'm afraid.

    The translunacy maniacs can still raise an eyebrow from time to time.

    I'd say they've overplayed their hand this year; so much utter, utter nonsense has been printed on the pages of the Guardian that we've all become a little inured to it.

    They need a new schtick. There must be another massively downtrodden community on whose behalf the patriarchy need a good kicking.


  3. #3

    Simply cannot be bothered reading all that. It's obviously all **** from the extreme end of the

    US identity politics merry-go-round and blatant nonsense. More importantly, it misspells 'labour' in the title, so I'm f**ked if I'm reading it.

  4. #4

    What about people with facial growths? Why don't we have any in parliament or in board rooms?

  5. #5

    Written by a lesbian, for lesbians.

    Not sure how that reflects on you big nose.

  6. #6

    There was one the other day who was claiming to be a trans man, but spent the whole article moaning

    about how little it understood about the nature of being male and how it couldn't work out the 'rules'. This to me did seem to rather undermine the whole claim to be a man, but there you go.

    Also, did you know Laurie Penny is now declaring herself 'genderqueer'?

    No, I've no idea what it means either, but she does love a bandwagon that girl.

  7. #7

    Or on catwalks, or in nudey magazines? It's rank victimisation.

  8. #8

    I dont get this whole gender politics debate

    There's a certain type of woman - late 20s, middle class, intellectual-ish, insecure - that believe they're fighting some sort of feminist battle against "The Patriarchy" and that by displaying just how painfully PC she is, she's somehow making a difference in the imaginary war.

    First wave feminists have done this before, they've made the arguments, made a difference, changed attitudes, grown old and got bored of this petty stuff.

  9. #9

    It gives people who spend their lives in Universities something to do, basically.

  10. #10

    The madness does not seem to be diminishing.

    Laurie Penny is just copying Jack Monroe now, surely?

    The scary thing is that these people are adults. I mean, if they were 14 year old girls you could pat them on the head and suggest they go and play, in the knowledge that eventually, they'll grow up. But these lunatics desperate to join the cool gang and chop their tits off are adults, for Christ's sake.

    And employed. Many of them are considered employable

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