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Thread: honeyroast ham from butcher fresh baked petit pain , english butter with salt crystals

  1. #11

    Frown If you end up being dragged into the kitchens and beheaded with a fruit knife,

    don't come rumming moaning to me afterwards.

    For f**k's sake, they'll smell the jew on you from 100 yards away. Your lamb chops will be 60 pc sheep and 40 pc bodily fluids.

  2. #12

    Did you pop in for a selfie with Jack The Ripper's victim?

  3. #13

    I had leftovers from last night's chicken, cream, cheese, tarragon and mustard bake thing.

  4. #14

    I've got some big raw prawns for dinner.

    All is have to go with them is the other pair of crusty rolls.

    So. Pankoed crispy shrimp rolls, then.

  5. #15

    I had a ham sandwich bro


  6. #16

    I have to say, as much as I enjoy your BtL comments, you do realise you are now almost exclusively

    arguing with people hired as purveyors of click-bait, don’t you? I mean, there was a time where it was just about believable that Guardian columnists believeed what they wrote. Not any more.

    You are keeping the paper alive just as Nicosia Gooner keeps TalkSport alive

  7. #17

    Careful bro they can give you instant cancer.

  8. #18

    Sounds cracking. You're basically existing on bocadillos.

  9. #19

    Yoga is a great way of combating cancer bro

    Jorge Pratt

  10. #20

    I'm existing on the contents of cupboards and freezer. It's a sort of experiment.

    It's not, I just can't be arsed going to the supermarket.

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