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Thread: You will, of course, have noticed that this sudden epidemic of translunacy coincided with the rise

  1. #31

    Maybe so. But they are still facts, aren't they?

    Nobody is having to make anything up, are they?

  2. #32

    Have any of your dogs exhibited non-binary tendencies?

  3. #33

    Only when they occassionally knock each other up really.

  4. #34

    I don't know where it came from but I'd always had a "thing" for Europe.

  5. #35

    The ability to get knocked up is certainly pretty non-binary for a dog, I'd have thought.

  6. #36

    Not very many of them, no

  7. #37

    Europe is finished. I'm off to Africa.

    Like Gore-Bown, I shall find my Shiwa Ng'andu and build my Africa House.

    They won't be able to steal my cock from there.

  8. #38

    Right, but once you reject or ignore that happy event, there's really nothing

    to choose between any of them either way. So, I suppose, the weirdos have a point there, at least.

    I prefer dogs because they're bigger (than bitches, I mean). That's it.

  9. #39

    Your severed cock would probably represent powerful juju.

    They'd probably have it off you and sell it to an impotent chineser on the black market. You can't trust anyone with your cock these days.

  10. #40

    No one is going to be impressed by an mzungu's cock, b.

    You haven't thought this through.

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