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Thread: You will, of course, have noticed that this sudden epidemic of translunacy coincided with the rise

  1. #21

    And the veal cordon bleu. And the raclette. And fondue - which is nice every few years or so.

  2. #22

    Yeah, it's when you try and discredit my counterargument with a rightwing catchphrase

    Howre you feeling about the whole House of Lords blocking the vindictive, nasty bill thing?

  3. #23

    No. It's when I point out that your 'counter-argument' is actually nothing of the sort and is just a

    smokescreen you throw up to mask the fact that your original point is fundamentally flawed.

  4. #24

    True enough.

    I have the end of a piece of pancetta, a heel of comte, a banana shallot and some spuds. Also there are eggs.

    You can see where this is going, can't you?

  5. #25


    Still was to be fair.

    Ugly as sin is my guess.

  6. #26

    But your original point is fundamentally flawed

    Given he's called every person he's ever been in a public meeting with "friends"

  7. #27

    Ooof. Or, indeed, 'oeuf!'.

    I have lobsters burning a hole in my freezer at the moment. However, I must go running this evening, so I probably won't have time to do them tonight.

  8. #28

    No. My original point is that the reporting of Corbyn's associations, utterances and actions - and

    those of his shadow cabinet colleagues - are not 'conspiracy theories'. They're not even smears. They're just facts.

  9. #29

    No, they're by and large scare stories run with a deliberate goal to smear him

  10. #30

    Yes, that's right. But then, I only really talk to my dogs.

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