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Thread: A lot of criticism for the magistrates who sent this tranny to a male prison

  1. #1

    A lot of criticism for the magistrates who sent this tranny to a male prison

    I'm not sure what else they can do really. Otherwise, you'd get normal cons turning up to court in a dress asking to be placed in the female prisons Prison-assault/story-28056764-detail/story.html

  2. #2

    Blimey, it's going to be a field day on A wing

    "Ms Booklyn said that her daughter still had the vestiges of a *****, despite having 34EE breasts."

  3. #3

    Never have I read a more bizarre sentence.

    Daughter/vestiges of a *****

    Verily, we are living in the end days.

  4. #4

    I read that some of them want to be called they instead of he/she

    i'm a fairly open minded guy, but this seems to be bonkers

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Well, yes, 'bonkers' is the word, isn't it?

    Because these people are mentally ill.

  7. #7

    "Society's obsession with gender" hehe Clap

    No way are more than 1% of the population trans ffs

  8. #8

    Seriously, WHAT IS GOING ON?

    'It’s a question I’m asked occasionally: “why do you use gendered pronouns for your son?” It's no surprise, as I move entirely in queer circles, and, am a non-binary person who uses “they” pronouns for myself instead of "he" or "she". So naturally people wonder why I'm not allowing my son that neutrality.'

    Surely there should be a campaign to demand that Social Services save the child from this maniac?

  9. #9

    I agree. This poor kid is going to have a terrible terrible life because of this monster of a mother

    There is no need to force him through the neutrality at this young age, to see him constantly misgendered, when there’s not necessarily anything to fight for. He is most likely to simply decide he wants to be a little boy, and that’s fine. What’s important is making sure he knows that he has a choice.

  10. #10

    It is a funny article really.

    Sadly I think it is true and real life.

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