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Thread: 717 unfortunately killed in hajj stampede Frown

  1. #11

    the life of brian scene must happen again again all day..he said jehova etc

  2. #12

    Well if we’re comfortable about exterminating a fetus with down syndrome, a condition that doesn’t

    preclude you from running a Michelin starred restaurant, then surely we can bring ourselves to do the same to religious whack jobs who live their lives by a doctrine utterly unsuited to a progressive, civilised society?

  3. #13

    "Stone, sir?"

    "Nah. Look, they're lying around on the ground!"
    "ooh, not like these, sir. Feel the quality of that. That's craftsmanship!"
    "Aw... awright then. I'll have two points, two flats, and a packet of gravel"

  4. #14

    otters nose ?


  5. #15

    And a progressive, civilised society includes the mass-slaughter of those

    with wrong ideas, in many cases through little fault of their own, because that's exactly the same as abortion.

  6. #16

    yes it does Ash..well done for poitning it out, we all seem to be singing off the same sheet


  7. #17

    if you take 717 from 911 and add malaysian missing airline 370 then add 102

    as its coming up to 2nd october gandhi jayanti.. you bloody get 666!!! weird man weird

  8. #18

    Wow, man.


  9. #19

    One way of solving the refugee crisis.

  10. #20

    Yes, because I am suggesting their lives are no more worthy of special treatment than animals, which

    are also not to blame for their stupidity and verminous emissions but which we also slaughter with no moral qualms.

    Hey, I'm not saying it's definitely a good idea. I totally expect push-back on this.

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