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Thread: My Jeremy Corbyn action figure has arrived Clound Nine

  1. #61

    Did your father break the family trend to the left, then? Only I notice you've left him out.

  2. #62

    Only since american told us to. Before that we were pro-arab.

    Western liberal democracy indeed

  3. #63

    The left wing tradition is on my mother's side. My father's family were

    A bit of a mystery and i never really knew them.

    Politically all i know is that they were passionately anti-racist and anti-socialist.

  4. #64

    We were only pro-Arab in the sense that Palestine and much of the Middle East had ended up in our

    hands after WWI and dealing with the Jewish influx into Palestine was a massive headache. Even so, The Balfour Declaration was one of ours, I believe.

  5. #65

    They sound like good chaps. Although a bit wearisome on the racism, tbh.

  6. #66

    To be fair it was a big issue then around finsbury park in the 50s and 60s

    They ran a shop in gillespie road and were the only shopkeepers who would happily serve immigrants. Bit of a row for years apparently.

  7. #67

    Yes, years earlier and a non-us influenced version.

    We are not natural and permanent allies of israel was my point. It is more complicated than that.

  8. #68

    Oh, I'm all in favour of not being racist. A question of politeness, really.

    It's the idea of being passionate about it that bothers me.

  9. #69

    We're not natural allies of anyone. Shrug However, Israel's interests and ours coincide in a

    number of significant areas.

  10. #70

    I think it was just a bigger issue and caused more of a stir then

    They probably didnt give a f**k by the 90s

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