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Thread: Oi, Ash Shout Do you like, or even not mind, magical realism?

  1. #1

    Oi, Ash Shout Do you like, or even not mind, magical realism?

    If so, I recommend this series of novels to you; they are filled with London history and colour. Right up your alley, as it were.

    Sadly, I have just realised that i must stop reading them immediately, as the autheor's father was a communist

  2. #2

    Is it Rivers of London?

  3. #3

    Oh, I forgot the link. Edited now. It is, yes.

  4. #4

    I've just bought the audiobook. Smile Did you ever read that 'The Discovery of France' book I

    recommended, by the by?

  5. #5

    I'm just finishing it.

    His father was a proper, full on communist, b. It is better that we do not support his spawn.

    I haven't yet; it is on my Kindle, awaiting its turn.

  6. #6

    You're so orderly. Mind you, my habit of reading several books at once (plus an audiobook) does get

    confusing as I get older. The other day, I started reading what I thought was Beevor's book on the Ardennes only to find myself wondering why they were going on about Jimmy Savile's tireless quest to f**k 15 year-olds.

  7. #7

    I gave up on Beevor Frown

    Just my age, I guess.

    It's the fault of the Sunday Times. I read the book reviews and order to Kindle as I go, a'feared of forgetting. Of course, this means that I now have a queue of about 200 unread books...

  8. #8

    I've read the first one, and have two more in the set that was bought for me.

    It was okay, but I do struggle a bit these days with pretendyness. Certainly very close to home, being set in and around Covent Garden and Kentish Town.

    For magical realism in London, the Dirk Gently books are ten times better than the one I read.

  9. #9

    Dick Gently?

    You said 'Dick Gently', which is like the opposite of your mum's motto.

  10. #10

    A lot of people give up on Beevor at your age.

    Although I believe you can get pumps and pills and things these days.

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