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Thread: Isaac Hayden looked good

  1. #11

    Good heavens! I'd assumed Scotty Moore was long since deaded.

  2. #12

    Yes, we did.

    I admitted to not being acquainted with all the details of his work - a gap in my knowledge which I will hopefully, one day, rectify.

  3. #13

    hehe Pleased to hear it. We were back at the hotel by 10.30. Shame really as I suspect

    the disreputable behaviour was really rather fun.

    Still, it kept the mrs in check as she was nodding off during the speeches anyway and would have been hell if we made it until midnight. No pumpkin for certain.

    On the brightside I was fully awake for driving back at 9am in End of the world weather

  4. #14

    The speeches were excellent, weren't they?

    I was outside smoking.

  5. #15

    I hope you didn't make any attempts to give any women any sexual pleasure.

    What a mentalist.

  6. #16

    hehe Oh yes, I'd forgotten that.

    He was good value, that chap. Mad as an eel.

  7. #17

    ???? Explain please

  8. #18

    We fell into conversation with a terrifically whacky chap. A scientist of some description. Used to

    operate on brains, found that dull, moved on to genetics.

    Anyway, whilst discoursing on the matter of addiction, (A man may be addicted to chillis just as much as mary-hwanna) he dropped the ultimate bombshell. (In perfect English but with quite a strong German/Indian accent.)

    "Vat you must understand is that some women are capable of feeling sexual pleasure..."

    Imagine our surprise.

  9. #19

    He sounds like a dangerous lunatic to me.

    Sexual pleasure, indeed! What on earth would be the point of that?

  10. #20

    Oh, I have heard more solemn and grave speeeches than that I can assure you

    Although it was at the passing of a good friend

    Still, kept the heckling down to a dull murmur or snoring as we call it

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