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Thread: Being a clairvoyant sort of a chap, I have a strange feeling that Sir C will be hungover this

  1. #1

    Being a clairvoyant sort of a chap, I have a strange feeling that Sir C will be hungover this

    morning. Through the mists, my spirit guide is saying something about too many Vieux Carres in the Beaufort Bar and a very late night.

    Could be wrong, of course, but the spirits rarely play me false.

  2. #2

    I'm f**king hanging.

    I ended up drinking scotch with the playwright until far too late.

    Happily, I managed to put my honesty valve on hold and blow sunshine up him.

  3. #3

    I didn't get past the bit in the review that said 'John is a potential viticulturalist', tbh hehe

    Surely we're all potential viticulturalists, anyway?

    It does sound particularly ****. You should have given this gentleman my thoughts regarding the low, low place occupied by theatre in the pantheon of arts.

  4. #4

    Well, I had no desire to be rude to the chap. He was understandably delighted

    at seeing his work staged in the West End of London, as I imagine anyone would be, and I was pleased for him.

    There was always the danger that as the booze kicked in, however, I would go into offensive mode. I think I got away with it.

  5. #5

    He wasn't of an Asian persuasion then?

  6. #6

    No, his whiteness saved him from the usual tirades of abuse.

  7. #7

    well of course..its a friday! and do bears **** in woods ? im only slightly

    hanging this riday..I must try an stop always starting weekend too early!

  8. #8

    Yes, well that's you all over, you see? Polite, kind and well-mannered.

    Sometimes with these chaps it's best to lead with a swift blow to the solar plexus, just to see if they crumple or whether they recover to trade blows. Therein lies the measure of the fellow imo.

    It should be said, of course, that this rather abrasive approach may go some way to explaining why I have a very small group of friends.

  9. #9

    did you tell him its lucky he was not indian ?

  10. #10

    I saw a programme about bears last night. There was a white mother bear who'd had two black cubs.

    Something rum had gone on there, I think.

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