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Thread: This Pride event puzzles me.

  1. #11

    In short, you have no issues with homosexuals, as long as they

    don't push it down your throat?

  2. #12

    If only we had a resident Hebrew who coudl totally dispel this theory.

  3. #13

    I'm not sure. Everyone welcomes any opportunity to drink and sing and dance surely?

  4. #14

    Presumably it's 'Pride' as in the antonym of 'Shame'?

    'Gay Shame' would be a very different event.

    I remember opining to a gay chap that the best thing would surely be if an event such as Gay Pride were no longer felt necessary, since it would mean that being gay were not considered sufficiently remarkable to warranted. He retorted that this would be a sad turn of events from his point of view given how much action he tended to get at such events.

  5. #15

    It is the bedrock of our society.

    In fact as I type this I am in my office, dancing.

  6. #16

    I was chatting to a Buddhist recently, who told me he took a lady on a date from Tinder, only to

    find that 'she' was a 'trans woman', but still equipped with, shall we say, for the sake of delicacy, a cock and balls. Come the hour, cometh the man, for, as he said, in for a penny, in for a pound.

    Yes, he poled 'her' in the arsepart.

  7. #17

    Searching for a homoland, surely?

  8. #18

    Not really sure how the buddhism is relevant in this story, tbh.

  9. #19

    Yeah, I used to think how annoying football tournaments must

    be for all the people who give not a stuff about the Beautiful Game.

    Then it occurred to me that actually, everyone's invited, included. It's a fiesta/bonanza for *everyone*.

  10. #20

    I believe this also happened to our aforementioned resident Hebrew.

    I am not sure I have ever met a Buddhist.

    Are those nice friendly people from Hari Krishna buddhists?

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