Which is that the real villain of the piece is not the bloke being filmed, but the horrible, vicious, vindictive and just nasty c**t who not only filmed it, but then went out of their way to publicise it, probably getting this poor f**ker sacked, forcing the police to get involved (meaning he'll get a caution at best) publicly shaming him and for what? Taking a drug millions take every day in a slightly inappropriate place. For f**k's sake, what is wrong with people today that they think that the possession of a phone with a video feature makes them judge and jury with the power to utterly f**k people's lives for their own amusement and self-aggrandisement? It's f**king disgusting.

This was an entirely harmless incident that would have been laughed off by a dozen or so people a few years ago. Nobody would have got hurt and the bloke in question would probably just have woken up and felt a bit sheepish. Now he's in the papers, he's probably lost his job, the police want a word and for what? Because some nasty, lowlife f**ker thought it would be a laugh to f**k up his life for him.

People really are c**ts.