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Thread: Isuppose that's one way of stemming the flow of immigrants

  1. #1

    Isuppose that's one way of stemming the flow of immigrants

  2. #2

    I tend to agree with Berni now. Let a few of the boats sink.

  3. #3

    Seems a bit harsh on the P&O and Stenna passengers tbf

  4. #4

    Anyone under the age of 70 who would voluntarily go on a cruise deserves to die

  5. #5

    pssssst, I think they are ferries

  6. #6

    Hold on, people are still crossing the channel by ferry?

  7. #7

    It used to be alright when SeaFrance were still around. You could get a decent meal and it wasn't

    too ghastly. Being French, however, they went bust, so now all the ferries are full of schoolchildren and smell of chip fat and diesel.

  8. #8

    But.. but... it takes half an hour ro load, an hour to sail, and half an hour to unload.

    You could be halfway to Paris in that time using the tunnel.

  9. #9

    We did it last year en route to Gelderland

    It was ****, I hate boats with a passion.

    I just kept imagining having to swim with my daughter, having made the choice to let my OH fend for herself.

  10. #10

    Yes, but if time is not an issue, it's more pleasant (or used to be) than driving into an airless

    metal tube. You feel like you've actually travelled somewhere, which I like.

    Both have their merits imo.

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