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Thread: Naive Americans...

  1. #1

    Naive Americans...

    thinking that they can actually root out the corruption in FIFA. heh

    Notice that the arrest roll did not include one European. LOL

  2. #2

    Yet... :fingerscrossed:

  3. #3

    the guy you really have to hate is platini. for 20 years he's slipstreaming behind blatter, now he s

    he's jumped in with the new boys. fvck that French syphilitic.

  4. #4

    Oh, and Bill and Hillary are tied to the hip with FIFA

    Going to be tough going for our media. Normally they would love to go after this story, but if they do they leave the Clinton's unprotected. Further exposing how corrupt the Clinton Foundation truly is.

    Lots of head scratching going on!

  5. #5

    Native Americans... white and black footballmen speak with forked tongues

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