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Thread: So apparently, gay men Dolce & Gabbana don't like the idea of gay people having IVF babies and

  1. #1

    So apparently, gay men Dolce & Gabbana don't like the idea of gay people having IVF babies and

    leading gay man Elton John has got all grumpy about it and now is organising a boycott of D&G with all his gay/fag hag mates of these other gay people.

    It's a massive gay-off between very wealthy gay people, basically. And I'm struggling to understand why I'm supposed to care.

  2. #2

    They're basically women, B. Love a bit of drama.

  3. #3

    a narcissitic storm in an egg-cup

  4. #4

    Owen's awfully upset that someone dared express an opinion.

    Poor Owen

    Hopefully they'll be sent to the camps for re-education and return, strangely empty behind the eyes, spouting the approved phrases.

  5. #5

    Aren't you disappointed?

    Was hoping they'd get all bitchy about it.

  6. #6

    Nod Much more fun watching how much Trevor Phillips' forthcoming documentary on the failure of

    multiculturalism has them squirming, anyway.

    They don't like a black chap who goes off-piste like that.

  7. #7

    That editorial was hilarious.

    They sooo want to call him a racist.

  8. #8

    It was, but the tone of Michael White's piece was incredibly patronising and sneering.

    It stops short of patting him on the head and calling him a silly little sambo, basically.

  9. #9

    'Back in your box*, son.'


  10. #10

    have you two ever thought of just phoning, texting or IM'ing each other rather than all this bollox

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