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Thread: Following the 'Middle class' bit below, have you been socailly mobile?

  1. #41

    Really? Damn I was going to hit the vino tonight as well

  2. #42

    I would argue that a Dubliner is less good than a Londoner, certainly.

    However, he is a cut above northerners, carrot crunchers or people from the Midlands. And superior to a Welsh, obviously.

  3. #43

    No desire to keep the CofE out of it though?

    Quite simply nobody should be excluded from a job, or anything else, on the basis of their religious beliefs. A proper constitution and bill of rights would sort that out.

    The fact Blair was a catholic and had to keep it on the lowdown was ridiculous, or at least the fact he had to keep it such was.

  4. #44

    Did you see that Tony Abbott is in trouble for suggesting that the Irish might drink

    on St Patrick's Day?

  5. #45

    The CofE has traditionally been harmless, but it's gone horribly lefty now and should be

    disestablished immediately until it gets its act together.

    As to your contention that no-one should be denied a job based on their religious beliefs, I would have to disagree. If some f**ker holds beliefs as part of their religion that are incompatible with the society they are proposing to govern, then they should definitely be excluded. Some Papist who thinks contraception and homosexuality are mortal sins has no business as Prime Minister in my opinion. And the same goes for Muslims or any other religious freaks.

  6. #46

    Yes. I for one am very offended by this slur.

    Honestly, when did Australians start being racially sensitive? It really doesn't suit them.

  7. #47

    I believe the Irish goivernment may have reacted to this appalling reinforcement

    of an outdated stereotype.

  8. #48

    No, the CofE has traditionally been pliant, and thus seen as benign

    If people can divorce their beliefs from their job I don't see it as a problem. It's certainly discriminatory to have the rule solely about Catholics though.

    Also, presumably on that basis a Zionist should also not be allowed to hold the office.

    At the root of it all we should have a fundamental separation of church and state.

  9. #49

    By slurring aggressively at him down the phone and then being sick on the floor?

  10. #50

    Nod Appear to have gone from Downton Abbey to Auf Wiedersehen Pet

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