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Thread: Soooo...the Greeks have voted in a bunch of communists as the answer to their addiction to living

  1. #31

    I note that you have no argument with being labelled 'ignorant' Sherlock

  2. #32

    It's already pretty low as it is.

  3. #33

    Shrug I am ignorant in many, many areas. I am humble enough to admit it.

    As you know, humility is very much my thing.

  4. #34

  5. #35

    Yes, indeed.

    Are you quite well, old boy?

  6. #36

    Nic would be out of his depth in a paddling pool.

  7. #37

    Not really. I was drinking pretty much all day yesterday and am now in the grip of a malaise.

  8. #38

    I note that you have argument with someone who has stated they have gone out Sherlock

    to help people less fortunate that himself as well.. our country not even his country of birth..yet you mock his views ? what do you do to help people ? you even celebrate your tax avoidance and long holidays yet mock the Greeks ? sickening scences of twos up bullying imo

  9. #39

    Sorry, but how is it bullying when Nic (as ever) was the one who picked a fight?

    Your grasp of timelines isn't good imo.

  10. #40

    Who am I arguing with? You're still asleep man, wake yourself up before

    blundering into my Monday morning spouting *******s.

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