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Thread: Rainbow hehe Saxon hehe Rush hehe

  1. #21

    It was our regular friday and saturday night choice of amphetamine back in the day, as such.

    Cheap as chips and easier to get than a woman.

    Win win really. Horrible **** all the same, in hindsight.

  2. #22

    Oh, yes. Absolutely horrible. The only thing I can compare in terms of misery to a speed comedown is


    Still, great times.

  3. #23

    and spun you out less than a good old E ..where things always got a bit dribbly

    more chance of pulling on speed than E's..where you jsut gayed around dancing n sittign n chatting and showing empathy..what arseholes I was

  4. #24

    I used to prefer a mix of speed and acid back in the day to mdma

    Which always seemed a bit of a lottery to me.

    Mind you, this may be why I genuinely lost large chunks of the early 90s

  5. #25

    I dunno, I think prices have always been hitched more to fashion/popularity

    than anything like potency, quality or duration.

    your drug market really is the purest form of free market, which is ironic given that it's been in a state of perpetual prohibition for ever.

  6. #26

    Catacombs in Manor House.

    Followed by 1-2 hours perhaps wandering aimlessly in Finsbury Park and nearly passing out when you met a stranger who you then realised was your mate.

    Great days.

  7. #27

    I dunno. I was always mystified how an eighth of hash basically stayed the same price for the decade

    or so that I was using it.

  8. #28

    Yeah, it doesn't seem to work like that any more

    Gone are the days of handy 2p weights and rulers balanced on pencils imo

  9. #29

    Well perhaps not economics then.

    But in the Queens Head Turnpike Lane in the late 80s / early 90s, cocaine was something you may have heard referenced in a song on the jukebox whereas speed was something that you could easily get in the back bar.

  10. #30

    I bought a quarter for 40 quid recently.

    Seemed unbelievably cheap.

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