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Thread: Anyone attempted a home- made from scratch Curry Oh well

  1. #1

    Anyone attempted a home- made from scratch Curry Oh well

    I have to confess that I mostly resort to a jar of dear old Grossmans Balti these days but decided on a bit of DIY having breezed into an indian grocers last week, exiting with fenugreek, twigs of curry leaves and brown mustard seeds.

    Well I had the lot bubbling away in a pot for a couple of hours yesterday. Tasted marvelous but I was heavily rebuked by Mrs 7 this morning as she left for work.

    Reckoned her clothes, hair and the entire house positively reeked like a mumbai wrestlers jockstrap.

  2. #2

    Nod Yes, there's no getting away from the fact that it makes the house absolutely reek of curry.

    Mind you, there's worse things to reek of imo.

  3. #3

    A somewhat obvious thing but the pre made stuff doesn't linger with anything like the same level of

    total fumigation.

  4. #4

    Yeah, that's the downside I'm afraid

    Mind you, my other half decided to cook chutney last year. I see your Calcutta Khazi and raise you a Sarson's Factory.

  5. #5

    No. That's becuuse the aromatics are sparse and old in any bought curry paste.

    Whereas with the real thing, you get the full effect.

    Don't let Sir C get wind of cumin, though. It's like sexual catnip for him.

  6. #6


    Tomorrow I'm going to make the pork belly cubes with the cumin. It's getting me excited just thinking about it.

  7. #7

    Do I know about these? Have you recipe'd me?

  8. #8

    You've had them here - when we did tapas.

    Crush garlic and fennel seeds and rub into the flesh of the belly. Roast as per usual. Allow to cool. Cut into inch squares. Fry hard, tossing to ensure crisp skin, then sprinkle with ground cumin seed and lemon juice.

    It's proper good.

  9. #9

    Ah, yes. I remember now.

    We must meet up again before you fly off the The Bamboo Bar.

  10. #10

    Doesn't sound very Spanish.

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