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Thread: Now.. I thought there may be some comedy gold here, when first spotting this headline.

  1. #1

    Now.. I thought there may be some comedy gold here, when first spotting this headline.

  2. #2

    Is it possible to find this picture funny whilst also genuinely sorry for him? Rub chin

  3. #3

    It doesn't help that it looks like they've put his feet on backwards

  4. #4

    Well they appear to have put his prosthetic feet on backwards for a start.

  5. #5

    Be honest, though. If you saw that coming towards you, your initial instinct would be to run a mile,

    wouldn't it? It's terrifying.

  6. #6

    Well yes, and if anything that would just rub it in more

    I'm sure he'll look less ridiculous when they finish making him but right now he looks like he's been cobbled together by the leftovers from an IKEA warehouse floor

  7. #7

    Mr Potato Head has more realistic lips, ffs! Bloody useless NHS. Frown

  8. #8

    Surely they could've stretched to a fleshlight

  9. #9

    You can't give a limbless man a sex aid for a mouth. Asking for trouble imo.

  10. #10

    Good point, though I'm not sure hospitals are that Saviley nowadays

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