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Thread: When I was in Finland, I went to the breakfast buffet and they had a thing called 'egg butter'.

  1. #1

    When I was in Finland, I went to the breakfast buffet and they had a thing called 'egg butter'.

    This was hard-boiled eggs smooshed into butter for spreading on toast or bread. It was less pleasant than it should have been.

    They also had something called 'bread cheese', which was oven-baked cheese of a remarkable flavourlessness.

    Finally, they eat jam with black pudding.

    So, to summarise: Finland is wrong.

  2. #2

    its reindeer black pudding imo and hence the berry jam logan berry ting stuff with it

    spent couple of weeks in Levi in arctic circle and every meal was dfferent reindeer meet versions ..roast, fried, black puddinginged..and lots of jam - berry forest fruit condiments to go with

  3. #3

    Yes. Sounds about right. Wasn't as nice as proper black pudding.

    Didn't try it with jam because that was obviously wrong.

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