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Thread: In other news, the UKIP chap accused of sexual harrassment is called 'Roger Bird' hehe

  1. #1

    In other news, the UKIP chap accused of sexual harrassment is called 'Roger Bird' hehe

    Surely that's the sort of name a Sid James character would have in a Carry On Film?

  2. #2

    There's a Times journo called Roger Boyes

  3. #3

    Bloke at my last company called Roger Mycock.

    God knows what his parents were thinking. He used to insist it was pronounced my-coe, thereby affecting a silent ending.
    Like anyone took any notice of the silly arse

  4. #4

    I know a bloke called Roger Tightarseholes


  5. #5

    Nod Not the best man to cover the Belgian *****phile ring story

    Hasty change to the byline for the second edition on that one

  6. #6

    hehe A nice bit of nominative determinism, speaking of which meet the Creamer twin sisters... ght-over-vibrator-124356
    An argument over “Heidi’s boyfriend and a sexual toy (vibrator).”

  7. #7

    Who would have thought a story of twins called Heidi and Holly could be so disappointing pictorially

  8. #8

    And she's a Bolter!

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