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Thread: Last night I dreamt I was going bald. It was absolutely horrific and has made me enormously

  1. #11

    You now realize that what you are actually doing right now, is dreaming. You are a bald man and

    posting on AWIMB with a full head of hair and faux sympathy for the baldies is really a fantasy that you have concocted in order to avoid the terrifying and traumatizing realization that you, indeed, ARE bald, and do not know how to deal with it. WAKE UP

  2. #12

    My hairdresser suggested recently that there may be a little thinning at the back, and advised the

    use of a hair-thickening shampoo. These things come to us all in due course, I suspect.

    Were I to lose your friendship on the grounds of a lack of hirsuteness I would, of course, be saddened, yet the cause of the breach would put the degree of the loss into perspective.

  3. #13

    As long as you stayed dry and didn't mention any names, I guess it's OK.

    Does anyone other than teenagers have wet dreams? I seem to remember only ever having had one.

  4. #14

    True. Some minor balding is OK, but there are limits.

    As long as you don't look too weird.

    I used to work with a chap who sprayed some sort of dark substance on his head to essentially cover up his baldness. It looked mental.

  5. #15

    Perhaps I will simply wear a hat.

  6. #16

    Hmmm. The problem with hats is that they tend to make the wearer look like an eccentric/sex case.

  7. #17

    It's hard to follow your rules.

    There are so many.

  8. #18

    I mostly make them up as I go along, tbh. Shrug

    Believe me, I would dearly love the world still to be a place where a gentleman can wear a hat with no-one thinking any the worse of him. Really, I would. But it just isn't.

  9. #19

    I think one reaches an age where something like this becomes less significant

    I had friends who were thinning in their 20s and that must be awful. If i start to go bald at 50 (i wont) it wont bother me that much.

    Actually,bit probably would. Scrub that, nobody wants to be bald.

  10. #20

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