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Thread: I'm sorry, but the Black Friday stories actually upset me and make me despise my fellow man even

  1. #1

    I'm sorry, but the Black Friday stories actually upset me and make me despise my fellow man even

    more. There's something infinitely depressing about watching these filthy creatures trampling over each other to get to some ****ty piece of consumer goods. As a microcosm of the human condition, it's just a bit too near the knuckle. It's weltschmerzed the f**k out of me, I don't mind telling you.

    For instance, how can anyone look at this picture and claim that mankind is in any way redeemable or worth saving?

  2. #2

    I suppose at least actual money's exchanging hands on this occasion

    and no sign of shattered glass in the background

  3. #3

    Look at the repellent bovine with the red hair! Look at it and tell me it deserves oxygen! Dear God!

  4. #4

    You wouldn't see this behaviour in Ireland

    We don't even wait for so called Black Friday, and *******s to your high quality electrical goods, we fight over dolls. oy-store-over-frozen-fight-30765181.html

  5. #5


    I was trying to find a nice contrast picture of Bumpy Johnson handing out food from a truck but am too hungover to find it.

  6. #6

    The notorious gangster and criminal Bumpy Johnson? Yes, that would really cheer me up, I imagine.

  7. #7

    Yup, utterly depressing. Mind you people actually shop as a leisure pastime which is even worse

    Shopping should only be undertaken as a sort of mission. Defined goals, planned routes, in and out in the optimum time.

    These people who wander around indoor malls breathing through their open mouths crammed with food whilst their eyes are glazed over with the sheer joy of it all.

    Humans are ****

  8. #8

    I'd have been happy to have escorted her to Asda's poultry counter tbh

  9. #9

    As in Bumpy Jones from Shaft?

  10. #10

    I just remember in American Gangster they showed him handing turkeys from a van.

    A la that picture.

    Everyone has their dark side b, let's not make sweeping generalisations on 'ol Bumpy. Just feeding the family you know.

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