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Thread: I strongly believe that non-microwaveable ready meals should have their

  1. #1

    I strongly believe that non-microwaveable ready meals should have their

    non-microweaveability more visibly advertised on their packaging.

  2. #2

    Rub chin Is this some sort of food cuckhold post?

  3. #3

    Why are you eating ready meals? Has your life fallen apart in some way?

    There is absolutely no excuse. Not time, not convenience, nothing.

  4. #4

    Fine dining - snide ready meals, the Monty spectrum is a truly wide one

    Let me guess which end you pay for

  5. #5

    He hasn't pricked the plastic covering in a while from what I hear, f.

  6. #6

    Some of them aren't bad as facsimiles of actual, proper food.

    I only have one or two a week, uusually I make my lunches. What alternative for a chap who is time and cash-poor?

  7. #7

    Foil is fine in the microwave trust me

  8. #8

    You can cook an omelette or make pasta in the time it takes you to heat a ready meal

    'Time and cash poor'. Don't be such a f**king homo. Cooking actual food is cheaper, if anything.

  9. #9

    Last night I wanted to make this Spanish side dish of chick peas and spinach.

    Alas, I had neither chick peas, nor spinach.

    It worked rather well with flageolet beans and kale. Really rather well. I could do a Jack Monroe.

  10. #10

    Can we please end this malicious rumour that I do not pay my way?

    The only thing we don’t go halves on is the cleaner, for some spurious, petty reason I once concocted that I cannot even recall.

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