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Thread: Yikes What happened to Awimb??? There used to be a forum here...

  1. #1

    Yikes What happened to Awimb??? There used to be a forum here...

    Who's to blame? Wenger, Modd or Chrome?

  2. #2

    It is another season of mediocrity.

    Please f**k off to Monaco Arsene. Take jack, flam and Arleta with you. Thanks for the first 10 years.

  3. #3

    Weekday dayshifts move along a bit, pretty tragic outside that though.

    Chromebola definitely hasn't helped but it was quite slow before that Also the website/server crappiness has probably worn peoples patience out.

  4. #4

    You reckon it's just f**ked up rendering on one browser that explains it?

  5. #5

    Twitter. #toomuchnicosiaaswell

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