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Thread: A chap named Heathcliff has just joined one of our US offices

  1. #1

    A chap named Heathcliff has just joined one of our US offices

    We often have conference calls with 10 or 20 participants and I've taken the opportunity to fade in and out Kate Bush's early 70's opus.... 'Wuthering Heights' whenever this bloke starts speaking. This can last anthing from ten seconds to a couple of minutes, depending upon his contribution.
    It's always subtle but clearly audible and the beauty of the thing is that no one can identify the source..

    I suppose I should stop this nonsense really

  2. #2

    Bow Bow hehe a colleague heard

    conference call is over' .. then realsied my mobile was not on mute..luckily it was organised by the usa office as a "townhall?" meetign with about 200 people on it ..and no one but him worked it out

  3. #3

    I'm sure he'll be highly impressed. What with you being the first person ever to have made that joke

  4. #4

    Well it's either that or being called a **** Garfield

  5. #5

    It's highly unlikely. You'd need to be in your 40's at least to make the connection..

  6. #6

    Nod Assault and bantery imo.

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