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Thread: So the Tories have a lead in the polls after offering a big portion of the voting public a tax cut.

  1. #1

    So the Tories have a lead in the polls after offering a big portion of the voting public a tax cut.

    Hardly that surprising, surely? This politics business is hardly rocket science, is it?

  2. #2

    *****FREE MONEY*****

    Tory edition.

  3. #3

    No, but then again the public are hardly rocket scientists either

    This British Bill of Rights legislation is quite amazing in it's wrongheadedness though. I think we'll end up being the first country to introduce a Bill of Rights that actually removes people's rights.

    We're monumentally f**ked

  4. #4

    Well it very much is when you look at who benefits from it

    Nice to see their promises of not offering tax cuts as electoral sweeteners has gone the same way as the one about eliminating the deficit though.

  5. #5

    I will always vote* for them. Makes sence to let posh/rich chaps look after money

    But then again the Scots now how to do that too.

  6. #6

    Allowing a chap to keep more of his own money isn't actually giving him anything, tbf.

    I mean, if a bloke mugged you in the street and let you keep a fiver, you wouldn't be particularly grateful, would you?

  7. #7

    i voted BNP last time

    just to make Henley look even more right wing so i could then slag it off

  8. #8

    More guitars Clound Nine

    Sir Charlie. I can't resist the new Les Paul Junior in the 2015 range.

    They tune themselves! Gibson now put the robot tuner thing on all the guitars. And strangely it works amazingly well.
    Though it's a Marmite situation with these things.

  9. #9

    I'd feel I'd been bantered off with ****housery, tbh.

    It's addictive, isn't it?

  10. #10

    You promised us you weren't going to become a guitar **** Frown

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