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Thread: Wheres Rich ? ...the doc is getting me to have chest scan...

  1. #1

    Wheres Rich ? ...the doc is getting me to have chest scan...

    I'm dying arent I ?

  2. #2

    Sounds suspiciously like a pneumonia Rub chin

    Are you getting crackles when you exhale old boy ?

  3. #3

    Give Tony time to change his handle

  4. #4

    thats what worried me...she listended to lungs front and back and said they sounded ok..but then

    said scan to be sure...DOOMED IMO

  5. #5

    also he has to look it up on google and nhs direct etc... though that brighton

    nonce who no longer posts here who has the blog?..said he knew him..but it may be part of whole conspiracy I guess

  6. #6

    Nah, You'll be fine. You'd have rigors, sweats and a sharp stabbing pains.

    Or was that after it all kicks in

  7. #7

    As Nic said I'll reply in a second....just need to find my password and check webmd.

  8. #8

    The illuminati have finally got to you, snin. RIP

  9. #9

    Would that an x-ray in old money?

  10. #10, Arrafat, Mandela, Chavez, Castro..all us greats have been spiked..damn you CIA pigs imo

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