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Thread: As the press have it in for Saurez (though he is making it easy) I find it odd that some newspapers

  1. #1

    As the press have it in for Saurez (though he is making it easy) I find it odd that some newspapers

    call him a chimp.

    I think in the independent today it says Saurez can't get rid of the chimp inside'

  2. #2

    Conjours up images of Bale bumming him

  3. #3

    Is it really that harsh a punishment in relation to what Barton got last season?

    their defence is that it didn't leave any bite marks (" I don't see him closing his mouth and performing a bite in the true sense of the word. It is more like a gnaw") but Barton didn't leave any marks or cause any damage at all with his half hearted punches against City

    I think they have taken his previous offences into consideration, as they did with Barton.

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