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Type: Posts; User: Classic Jorge

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  1. Dying isnt funny, but doing it when about to start a tour called I'm Not Dead is

    wd David Geist
  2. Come on, mate. Put it to bed now

  3. I see the Wealdstone Raider is at it again

    I know how he feels, quite frankly. It's sticky bloody madness in here.
  4. They claimed Hitler as a Moomin, didnt they?

    I doubt he'd be welcomed in Ireland
  5. Replies

    Forgotten Tear Ups: When Brawls Were Brawls

  6. I was :jjsbpi: all along!

  7. Excellent Barred List from a south london boozer

    Good to see Mickey Two Suits and Adam the Deaf Guy havent changed.
  8. I dont come here to be abused y'know

  9. And the Euros

    Bsically, our future in Europe rests on Harry Kane
  10. It's a work on Government, Citizenship, Man and his place in society

    It's the thing that introduced the idea of a social contract, hence it's quite apt you described it that way.

    Sorry, I may come off as a young scruffer-me-lad from a rough estate but it's only a...
  11. Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil

    Interesting choice of words for such a Hobbesian subject
  12. Where do you stand on the whole business?

    I think we'll leave, more's the pity
  13. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is bloody good, if anyone wants Netflix recommendations

  14. I think you need to work on this whole "religionectomy" thing a bit more

  15. You've forgot all of the US and British weapons that we left them

  16. Our head of state is the head of our religion

    With all the other stuff, "core western values" :hehe:
  17. I'm not doubting them, you get what I mean by the medium though

    Take Brehvik, he had the same set of random justifications (clarkson, the EDL, Aryanism) but you dont blame those things for his actions, you blame the nutter.
  18. You're aware of Newton's Third Law, presumably.

    That's what inspires them, it isnt islam, it's revenge, either imagined or real. Islam is just the mediun, it could be any other doctrine from nationalism to race to religion.
  19. Even though they were very specific about that being the reasons for the bombing?

    Bang on with all the 80s Afghan Mujaheed stuff too.
  20. *sigh* terrorism is bang out of order, it should be ashamed of itself etc and so forth

    That said, guerilla warfare against the military or police of an oocupying state is fair enough.

    It's not entirely unequivocal, but there you go.
  21. Case-by-case basis, I imagine

    But no, I dont support pre-emptive attacks on a country based on a powerpoint presentation, if that's why you're asking.
  22. The concept of martyrdom is not one exclusive to islam, you know this

    Would they have blown themselves up if we'd not went along with the absolute folly that was the Iraq war?
  23. Yes, attempting to wipe out an entire religion, cant do any harm, can it?

  24. Yet you seem to have gravitated there, strangely

    I'm mostly interested in how someone coming from a liberal background can arrive at such illiberal conclusions, let alone thing they are seriously workable.
  25. I'm sorry, I had a Pist Flaurd

    You know that islam has a particularly strong idea of all muslamics being one people, brothers and all that. I'm merely saying that a fabricated war, as the whole 2002/03 season basically was, really...
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