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Type: Posts; User: Tony Gunk

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  1. Replies

    I woz on here back in the day....

    does swingball contribute?....did nelson get his season ticket back?....glory days.
  2. I am sorry Martin McGuinness is ill, I am sorry...

    I am sorry Martin McGuinness is ill, I am sorry the power sharing structure broke down, I really like Arlene Foster, but as usual the weak link in Northern Ireland has been 'Money', money being...
  3. Replies

    I have made a Faux Par.

    I have accidentally sent an email to my entire office.... [Really sorry I couldn’t make it last night, I’ll make it up to you this weekend though ;)]
  4. Fine, Close, Down, Express, Fine, Counter

    Fine, Close, Down, Express, Fine, Counter
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