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Type: Posts; User: Monty91

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  1. Oh go on, just indulge me on this one. Pretty please?

  2. So Jorge, was the murder of the Glasgow shopkeeper "nothing to do with Islam"?

    Statement by the murderer:

    "This all happened for one reason and no other issues and no other intentions. Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Mr...
  3. Take every jihadist at birth and remove islam from their upbringing. How many would still go on to

    be suicidal terrorists?
  4. why do you take the 7/7 bombers at their word when it comes to their given motives (Iraq)

    but not when they, and every other jihadist tells us ad infinitum that they are acting on behalf of the prophet?
  5. Oh well that's good. You can at least bring yourself to attribute a degree of agency

    to individual terrorists themselves.

    Now, when can we talk about what inspires them? You know, Islam?
  6. But you’re getting dangerously close to condoning terrorist attacks in cases where

    the interventionist act that preceeds (and provokes)them are, to your mind, unjustified or immoral.

    Do you see that? And can you clarify your position on terrorism, for the sake of any doubt?
  7. I don’t support wiping out all the cultural side of religion, if compatible with core western values

    No problem at all with the tradition-led ritualistic stuff.

    Just the theocracy that needs to go.

    The ambition should be that religion only exists as a form of historical anecedote
  8. I assume that in some instances you would support intervention, and therefore, a certain amount

    of collateral damage (which is pretty much inevitable in any military intervention).

    If someone responded to one such interventionist act by blowing themselves up in London or elsewhere, would you...
  9. You support profiling, just as I do.

    I support immigration, just as you do.

  10. But would the 7/7 bombers have blown themselves up if they didn't think they'd be

    going straight to paradise and as much untouched fanny as they could shake a ****ty stick at?

    So let's be straight here: this was more than a political protest against western intervention. They...
  11. I don't know, but I see absolutely nothing to lose in trying

    Would the Englightenment and Reformation not have appeared similarly fat-fetched at one point in human history?
  12. As you'll be the first to tell me, tI’m just a c**t on a message board - I have no platform to

    be populist.
  13. Islam is the problem. Islam, like all religions, is a set of ideas. Ideas can be defeated.

    Nazism was a set of ideas.

    We have already made great progress. And with globalisation and increased access to information, there's every hope this will continue. We are already seeing ex...
  14. I would stem the flow of allans to europe, which is set to double over the next decade

    I would increase profiling and I will continue to support the legitimate and increasingly vocal public voices railing against the culture of political correctness and spurious accusations of...
  15. I’m not sure we do, you know. We both support profiling, for starters.

    Your stance of opposing bombing people is weakened if the only reason is because of a fear of blow-back.
  16. The other problem, of course, is that our acquiescence means it is entirely possibly for a muslim

    with extremist views to integrate into British society. The 7/7 bombers were hardly on the fringes of society - one had a family, one played in a local football team, one worked in the local chippy....
  17. What part of "I think all religion needs to be defeated" which I think I've stated twice

    in recent days did you not understand?

    Islam is the prevailing problem though.
  18. "I think we all want better integration really"

    So you acknowledge there is a problem. Blimey, that only took the best part of a week to prize out of you.
  19. No. Another YouGov poll showed that evangelical Christians are more likely than Muslims to say

    same-sex marriage was "wrong".

    Meanwhile more than 50% of muslims polled think homosexuality should be illegal.
  20. Yes, the poll was conducted in areas with 20% or higher muslim populations

    meaning it is likely to have been skewed towards more deprived areas.

    Feel free to adjust these figures to allow for this and then tell me the results are not still problematic.

    Moreover, tell...
  21. My word - you truly believe that? And the support for terrorism, stoning of adulterers

    and refusal to tell police if they know of a terrorism plot?

    Let's not even imagine what the numbers would have been had the polls been conducted anonymously rather than face to face.
  22. I like the bit from the chair of the Muslim Women’s Network UK

    Although any prejudice against gay people was unacceptable, the fact that nearly 50% of Muslims did not think homosexuality should be illegal was a sign that attitudes were shifting.

    Nearly 1 in...
  23. Yeah – I did notice that. I do still think it is becoming a less stigmatised subject.

  24. I think I’ve started to detect a little more willingness in the liberal media to confront the

    glaring problem that is Islam.

    In recent weeks I’ve heard two Radio 4 documentaries that have gone in pretty hard on the Allans and the Guardian now regularly cover these types of polls -...
  25. I trust Jorge will be watching this Channel 4 programme tomorrow tonight

    hosted by that notorious bigot Trevor Phillips. ms-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law

    “There is no...
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