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Type: Posts; User: Herr Floyd - PEGIDA

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  1. Here is my chosen lineup for tomorrow Mo

    The new pole
  2. gay?! He had more fanny than you can shake a ****ty stick at

    in fact lost memoirs proved that he rogered over 25,000 women. All of them models.
  3. I hope you are being honest. Only you and the Lord know the truth

  4. Bogus boy I thoought you were better than that h-claims-bogus-Faked-injuries-driving-1billion-year-racket.h tml
  5. Millions lol

    its a load of nonsense mate made up by the victors. Accurate research points to total combined deaths at 500,000 including shooting, disease and victims of air bombing campaigns.
  6. i knew you would play the fake whiplash claim game. Disgusting.

    Its cheats like you who add to everyones insurance costs. Stiff neck my arse. You cant even achieve a stiff cock.
  7. It is isnt it

    and Germany didnt start the war. After all WW2 was really a continuation of WW1, it just had a 20 year pause. Germany didnt start WW1 either btw.
  8. I call for an evening of silence in respect of the innocent Germans murdered in Dresden

    in 1945. As repulsive an act as the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The baddies won the war and only the stupid dont see it.
  9. doofus

  10. I appreciate you giving your opinion as a poster. I know you could ban me instantly

    Sometimes I overdo my point but the point is valid.
  11. Why dont you get back to mopping your tears over your footballer boyfriend imvho

  12. I know lots as Ive seen documentories on the subject.

    and btw what an incredibly vicious, nasty and unpleasant thing to say to me Dr Headgear. I think an apology wouldnt go amiss
  13. The racist and discrimitory autospell changer is a disgrace isnt it Splendour?

    But as to your point. Any man who doesnt get emotional and fails to stand bolt upright with his arm outstretched when hearing the hypnotic (and true) speeches of our Fuhrer! is simply someone who has...
  14. I read lots of stuff imo. But at least I dont cry when a tele program shows a man in a football kit

  15. Sweden will be the first European nation to fall under Sharia law and Islamic rule

    They literally allow the vilest of scum to walk straight through and cant hand them enough freebies. All at the suffering of the indigenous Scandinavian pure blood Aryan. And whats bizarrerer is the...
  16. When Im feeling down I think about you gtsb

    and realize it could be worse. Thanks my friend.
  17. You are a homosexual.

    No real man gets emotional over another man running around in shorts pushing a ball with his feet. Have you got a fanny where a cock should be?
  18. Good advice Baz.

    They can have half the misery Ive had in my arsehole for 8 years
  19. Yes Peter I agree

  20. I think Arsenal and I (and football in general) are finished. I want a divorce

    Arsenal only bring misery. I dont like the Manager and the players are horrid like ****s. What kind of pleasure can be derived from a measly scraped win at home to Leicester City?
    and moreover...
  21. What a nasty, unprovoked attack Supermac.

    and inaccurate. I am a much better poster than that Wenger silly stupid clown dude
  22. Its the last 5 years Ive predicted it and its only been down to pure luck that Ive been wrong

    Luck and inexplicable collapse from other teams. I will be proved correct this year.
  23. Spurs equalize again at Anfield. We are finishing 6th this season

  24. Shambolic defending. Ospina is a bigger clown than Chesney. A disgrace

  25. The bird I'm currently nobbing is a child minder. Great fun girl.

    She looks after 5 or 6 nippers and most of the little ****s are ok. She invites me round after the parents have dropped them off. There is this one brat with a nose far too big for his face and...
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